
Working on the New Sigma Pension Brand

One of the scary things to do is change; especially when one has to change from something they’re used to. Some people say change is good, while some would rather stick to what is familiar.

We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you don’t venture out of it, you will never know that there is a sea or an ocean out there. Holding on to something that is good for you now, may be the reason you don't have something better.

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.

It is challenging for a branding and advertising company to rebrand an organization that has been in existence for over a decade because justice should be done to the legacy of the company. Also, the strategy has to be acceptable, not just by the company and its staff, but also to the final consumers of the brand.

At Platform Branding we love challenges like this, you would wonder why? Projects like this bring out the creativity in us and as a creative company we live for this.

We were excited to win the pitch to rebrand Sigma Pensions, a company that is one of the foremost leading PFAs in Nigeria. However, when working on a rebranding process, the expectations are high because you are not just rebranding internally but your work will be showcased to the entire world.

For us at Platform Branding Company, we’re different and like our work to speak for itself. We put ourselves to work to ensure we create something that will showcase not just a “NEW SIGMA PENSIONS” internally, but also appeal to their new demographic and their existing clients.

Rebranding isn’t simple, and can’t be done overnight to get it right. We are excited about what the future holds for the NEW SIGMA PENSIONS brand.

To read more on the rebranding process, Click here

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